Cleanliness Information on Airbnb

The paper by Godovykh et al. (2023) explores how cleanliness information on Airbnb affects guests’ trust and their behavioral intentions amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The study addresses the heightened concern over health and safety during this period and how providing detailed cleanliness protocols can influence consumer perceptions and decisions.

Building Trust Through Transparency

The findings reveal that when Airbnb hosts provide comprehensive cleanliness information, it significantly boosts guests’ trust. This trust is crucial in a pandemic context, where guests are particularly concerned about the hygiene standards of the accommodations they choose. Transparency about cleaning practices helps alleviate fears and fosters confidence in both the platform and the individual hosts.

Influence on Booking Intentions

This increased trust, driven by detailed cleanliness information, directly influences guests’ behavioral intentions, particularly their likelihood to book a stay. The study shows that guests are more inclined to choose accommodations where cleanliness protocols are clearly communicated. This behavior underscores the importance of hygiene in decision-making during health crises.

Strategic Implications for Peer-to-Peer Platforms

The study’s findings have significant implications for peer-to-peer accommodation platforms like Airbnb. By emphasizing and verifying cleanliness standards, these platforms can enhance user trust and encourage bookings even during challenging times. This approach not only supports business continuity but also ensures guest safety and satisfaction.

Long-Term Effects and Future Directions

The research suggests that the focus on cleanliness and transparency might have long-term effects on guest expectations, extending beyond the pandemic. As health and hygiene remain top priorities for travelers, maintaining high standards and clear communication could be a key competitive advantage for accommodations in the future.

Reference: Godovykh, M., Back, R. M., Bufquin, D., Baker, C., & Park, J. Y. (2023). Peer-to-peer accommodation amid COVID-19: the effects of Airbnb cleanliness information on guests’ trust and behavioral intentions. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35(4), 1219-1237.

You can access the full paper here.

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